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School Accountability Committee (SAC)

All parents at TdVA can be a part of the School Accountability Committee and are welcome to become involved! It is a great way to get involved.  This committee meets with the Principal and other staff once a month to discuss current events, make decisions, ask questions and have fun. The School Accountability Committee reviews decisions made by the school and provides input on items such as the budget, site plans, and other school-wide activities.  In addition, several times per year, we invite district experts (Director of Security, Director of Assessment, etc.) to come present so we can learn together.  

This partnership between the community, parents, and staff is vital for our school's success.  Email our Principal Secretary Sarah Morton or check out our event calendar for the next meeting date and time if you are interested in attending! 

Parent Sounding Board (PSB) 

Academy District 20 hosts this task force each year for parents to directly engage with district and school administrators.  This district leadership group are updated on current initiatives, changes, expenditures, and gather feedback from parents in monthly meetings that include representatives from each school.  Find out more on the Academy District 20 Parent Sounding Board page.